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Lukostrelecké kluby v ABA Inc.
Aust Capital Terr
- Bega Valley Traditional Archers
- Bushman Bowmen
- Campbelltown & District Field Archers
- Capital Field Archers
- Eurobodella Archery Club
- Forbes Lachlan River Archers
- Lithgow Valley Archers
- Orange & district Bowhunters
- ShellHarbour Bowmen
- Snowy Mountains Bowmen
- South West Slopes Sporting Field Archers
- Wagga Wagga Field Archers
- Western Plains Archers Inc.
New South Wales
Northern Territory
- Barambah Bowhunters and Field Archers Inc
- Burnett Field Archers
- Cape York Bowhunters
- Capricorn Field Archers
- Central Coast Field Archers
- Charleville Field Archers Inc
- Collinsville Barebow Hunters
- Darling Downs Field Archers Inc
- Grange Bowmen Inc
- Gympie Field Archers
- Hinchinbrook Bowmen
- Kurrimine Beach Archers inc
- Lakeside Bowmen Inc
- Mackay District Bowmen
- Moranbah Field Archers
- Mt Isa District Bowhunters
- Pacific Bowmen Inc
- Renegade Bowmen Inc
- Roma & District Bowmen
- Saxon Archery Club
- Sunshine Coast Bowmen Inc
- Towers Bowhunters
- Townsville District Bowhunters
- Tully Bowmen
- Twin Rivers Bowhunters
- Warwick and District Archers
- Wide Bay Archers
South Australia
- Bachus Marsh Bowmen
- Bairnsdale Archery Club
- Ballarat Bowhunters Club Inc
- Ballarat Bowmen
- Bendigo Bowhunters
- Boola Valley Field Archers
- Colac Otway Archers
- Geelong Trophy Bowhunters
- Lilydale Bowmen
- MacAlister Trophy Bowhunter
- Phoenix Field Archers of Sale
- Southern Grampians
- Stawell Bowhunters Club
- West Gippsland Field Archers
Žiadná súťaž nebola nájdená
Avon Valley Field Archers, Default Shooting Place
(4 archers)
27. septembra 2015 -
27. septembra 2015
Avon Valley Field Archers, Default Shooting Place
(9 archers)
26. septembra 2015 -
27. septembra 2015
Best results from ABA Inc.
Clubs by participation in competitions
Ranking of best archers
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